How to Get Real Daily Passive Income GUARANTEED with a $50 API Booster...

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FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions

Who and what is behind API? +

- Basically, API is just another cog for Sparissimo to gain more exposure and continue to grow. Sparissimo has built something like Lieferando/Just-Eat, only with the difference that customers who order in the restaurants also get cashback when they order via the Sparissimo site or app.

Almost 300 restaurants and just over 2,500 regional shops are now connected. The service and product for the restaurants and shops consists, on the one hand, of the ordering and payment system and, on the other hand, of advertising being placed on the shops.

Through partial revenue from API, additional restaurants and shops are now being connected and additional sales partners are also being added. When it comes to the service or product at API, you have to differentiate whether you are a customer or a partner. As a pure API Booster customer, you participate in the cashback pool for 5 years. You also have the opportunity to act as a partner and receive commissions from a sale, but only direct commissions. When you purchase a member package, you are connected to the matrix, earn on 3 levels and are also involved in the bonus program.

The founders and developers are Bardhyl Salijaj and Oliver Bumann.

Is this a pyramid scheme? +

- No, Ponzi and pyramid schemes are prohibited and therefore illegal! We are a reputable company with an AMC certificate that has been checked and approved by the financial supervisory authority.

You can view and download the AMC certificate here >

How can I generate traffic? / Where do the partners come from? +

- As already mentioned, you automatically participate in the partner development of your upline, in this case from me and the partner placed above me. You get your own affiliate link that you can freely distribute and distribute via online marketing activities. In addition, I give you access to the QR formula, which you can use to say goodbye to the visitor problem once and for all. An elegant method that even a toddler can use to generate visitors without having to have any idea how it works.

Can I get support if I need help? +

-Yes. That is the motto for success. If you have any questions or suggestions, just contact me and I will help you.

This is how it continues after registration

"After you've signed up for API, please email me with 'I'm in.' You will then receive access to your personalized website and a free advertising package from me. This makes it child’s play for you to win three new partners for API.”

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Do you have any questions?

Write me an email to and I'll be happy to help you.